You will find the details and rules of this really fun and exciting challenge at the end of this post- The challenge is here ARE YOU UP FOR IT???
Your hair allows you to stand out from the crowd. For example if you are over-weight but you have healthy long will get more than a second glance, in comparison to a slim lady with shorter unhealthy looking hair.
Hair gives a woman her beauty...whether long or short...however the bible says...'if a woman has long hair its a blessing... I say its time to GET YOUR BLESSING!
The key to achieving real goals with your hair is to set yourself an objective and be consistent.
For example if you have shoulder length hair set yourself a time frame of 12 months to grow your hair out to near your armpits, and use a hair regime to realise your dream.
If you have always had thin hair that is relaxed and does nothing and your dream is to have a head full of thick hair- then look at what you currently do to your hair and change something about it.
Goal 1) Thin-Thick hair:
Over-relaxing your hair is one of the key contributors to keeping your hair thin and lifeless.
If they are not- this is the reason your hair is staying thin.
Thin Hair to thick Hair using the ROOT ENERGiZER Oil
Goal 2) Short- to-long hair:
What does long hair mean to you?
Would it mean you feel more feminine, beautiful, or would it just be the start of a dream come true...
I know many women and young girls who wish for long hair- however to many its an unrealistic possibility, as there kind of hair just does not grow- and they have been told this for years...
This is in fact not true, all black hair grows it does not matter how coarse or curly it is.
Many women see a weave as the only way to have long hair, but its not the only option.
I am here to say that again- all hair grows.
In fact our hair grows at least a 1/4 inch per month, so in a year you could have at least 3-6 inches of new growth, but if you never see this, then you are doing something wrong.
The key to longer hair is to keep and retain the inches of growth every month, whether that be 1/4 inch or 1/2 inch every week-just keep it! and you will be pleasantly surprised at the end of the 12 months at your success.
Document your progress by taking pictures every 3 months to see the growth you are getting. We all have to start somewhere...
This will motivate you to continue on your hair journey!
See the example below of how thick afro hair grows... it may have taken 4 years...but at least the hair that blows in the wind is now ALL HER OWN!
Kinky afro hair that has grown long and strong with committment and a good HAIRCARE REGIME...
ROOT2TiP are starting a 'Grow your hair upto 6 inches in a year challenge'
It will begin on the 31st December 2007 until the 31st of December 2008, these are the
Send an e-mail to register at: your details should include the following information:
- Your name- (it doesnt have to be your real name!)
- E-mail address
- The current length of your hair: Ear Length, Chin Length, Nape of the neck length, shoulder length, armpit length, bra-strap length etc..
- Your hair length goal for the next 12 months - between 1 and 6 inches!
- Take a picture of your hair at its starting length on 31st December 07- this could be one of your resolutions for 2008!
- Stick to a haircare regime- e.g. moisturise your hair daily,wash your hair at least twice weekly Deep condition weekly etc.
- Give your hair a chance- wear a weave or maybe have braids or extensions put in- to protect your own locks while they grow...but still moisturise!
- LIMIT THE HEAT YOU PUT ON YOUR HAIR... i.e. blow-dry only once a month, or allow your hair to air-dry if possible.
- Take a progress picture every 3 months to motivate yourself
At some point early next year we will ask you to send in your progress pictures so we can all see how well we are doing. Even if you only retain 2 inches and you normally have hair that alway breaks- then that is a great result!
Any questions please e-mail us at:
We will encourage each other by knowing that we are not doing it alone.
Please encourage your friends to join in the challenge with you- but they must register their details by sending an e-mail to
ROOT2TiP-are launching a discussion forum over the next 6 months all about hair:
It will be called- The 'Grow-it-long Haircare Forum:
- Who is it for?
It is a forum for women of colour who want to know how to grow their hair long and healthy...
- What will be discussed?
- Anything else?
- Why should you join?
You should join the 'GrowItLong Haircare FORUM' to learn how to grow your hair long and strong.
For years we have been told our hair does not this is the place where you can learn how to prove everybody wrong!
You will also learn tips like the ones on this blog to help you grow your hair, thicken it and keep it healthy. You will also learn of haircare techniques available to you that you may not have even thought of before!
More importantly you will be a member of an on-line community of women all on a HAIR JOURNEY...we will SUPPORT each other and have fun...
Ladies you know when it comes to our hair- we all have a story to tell!
Check out these hair growth inspiration pictures, of real women who have grown their hair with TLC, a Haircare Regime and consistency and perseverance:
All progress is great to see...
2003 2005 2006
Beautiful Relaxed Hair that has grown Long
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